Saturday, December 12, 2009

Technology Action Plan

LEDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link
Technology Action Plan
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Charles Butler


This Technology Plan has been created to articulate a common vision for technology on the high school campus to identify strategies that will help Granbury High School use advanced technology to improve academic achievement, including technology literacy, of all students. The purpose of that plan was to establish technology as an integral part of the educational setting. The plan called for the proliferation of hardware and software to meet increasing demands for access to technology.
Granbury ISD has also developed a staff development and maintenance component to a complete technology plan and set in motion procedures to ensure its success. The use of technology has become an indispensable component in the classroom. This plan will build on prior technological achievements, enhance the role of technology in curriculum design and delivery, provide a higher level of staff development, and maintain to provide access to community entities throughout Hood County. The plan will build on the strengths of Granbury High School in a way that facilitates today’s students for tomorrow’s technology.
Granbury teachers and students will participate in a technology survey created by Survey Monkey in order to collect and analyze data. Additional opportunities for data collection from students will be by paper surveys in mathematics classes. Teachers will have opportunity to complete survey at the end of the prior school year to gather data to determine necessary training. The Texas STaR Chart report will also provide additional needed information.




Ron Mayfield - Superintendent of Schools - Provide leadership in all areas of the school district.
Amy Wood - Director of Technology - Provide and manage all technology resources for all schools, departments, and personnel in the school district as a whole.
Diana Sudman - Instructional Technology Coordinator - Coordinate all technology resources and training with district educational and professional staff.
Administrators, Staff, Parents, Students, and Community Members Site Based Decision-Making Committee Gather information and make decisions on proposed school business by collaborating with all educational stakeholders.
Donna Jefferies - Principal - Provide leadership, schedule training, and make available opportunities for campus educational and professional staff.
Staff and Administrators Technology Committee Gather information and make decisions on proposed technology business.
Tammy Burns - HS Librarian & Campus Technology Scheduler - Coordinate and manage schedule for computer labs and technology tools for the campus.

The principal must make sure that communication between all of the above parties is open and constant by including them in the collaboration of technology issues that arise. The principal needs to be in connection with the technology director for budgeting issues and the instructional coordinator for training opportunities. The principal is an appointed member of the Site-Based Decision-Making Team and the Technology Committee. The principal will initiate all communication to the Director and Superintendant, if necessary.



Provide technology training for educators in order to support technology implementation into daily lesson plans. /Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Coordinator, and Principal /Planned Staff Development Days, Individual Development Days, and/or Workshops /STaR Chart Report, Staff Evaluations, Staff Surveys

Teachers will collaborate with colleagues throughout district, area, and state by using online blogging and/or podcasts. /Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Principal, Teacher /Immediate implementation after training /STaR Chart Technology Use Report

Teachers will incorporate technology in their daily lesson plans. /Teachers /Immediate implementation /PDAS Report, STaR Chart Report, Lesson Plans

Students will have access to computer labs. /Teachers, Librarian /1st Day of School /Sign-In Logs, Lesson Plans

Students will master technology proficiency through the implementation and teaching of the Technology Applications of the TEKS. /Principal, Teachers /School year 2010-11 /TAKS Results, AEIS Report, Common Assessment Results


I. Goal: Provide technology training for educators in order to support technology implementation into daily lesson plans.

Strategy: Teachers will attend technology training during summer workshops, summer conferences, and summer development days. These days will give teachers needed training in all aspects of Microsoft Office, especially Power-Point and Publisher.

Responsible Parties: Instructional Technology Coordinator, Principal, Instructional Specialists

Evaluation Plan: Teachers will complete an evaluation following the training as well as monthly meetings to check for continued support and updates. The results from the Texas STaR chart will provide feedback when compared to prior years.

II. Goal: Teachers will collaborate with colleagues throughout district, area, and state by using online blogging and/or podcasts.

Strategy: Teachers, after getting training in blogging and/or podcasting, will participate in an online communication community in order to widen the scope of instruction. Teachers can blog lessons and reflections of lessons to receive comments and critiques.

Responsible Parties: Technology Director, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Principal, and Teacher

Evaluation Plan: Teachers will show participation in the online community by providing a link to their blog site and/or podcasts location. Teachers will also include this in their PDAS Summative Report.

III. Goal: Teachers will incorporate technology in their daily lesson plans.
Strategy: Teachers will write their daily and weekly lesson plans with a detail of what area of technology, online or classroom tool, which they are using. Teachers, who have already received this training, will lead by assisting others of what is expected and its connection to the TEKS.

Responsible Parties: Teachers

Evaluation Plan: Submitted lesson plans and PDAS summary.

IV. Goal: Students will have access to computer labs
Strategy: The school will open its computer lab before and after school to allow students the opportunity to use the computers, especially if the student does not have that technology at home.

Responsible Parties: Principal and Librarian

Evaluation Plan: Students will sign-in to the library to reserve a station as well as sign-in to the districts network. Those sign-in documents will log student usage and provide data for necessity and/or improvement.

V. Goal: Students will master technology proficiency through the implementation and teaching of the Technology Applications TEKS.

Strategy: Students will show their mastery of the technology TEKS by their performance on the TAKS tests in the spring. The TAKS report will provide data of the mastery of the technology applications.

Responsible Parties: Principal and Teachers

Evaluation Plan: Teachers will submit lesson plans that will demonstrate implementation of technology into their teaching. Those plans will show the connection to the applications of the TEKS via technology. Specific lessons will be drawn up to address the particular weaknesses as defined by the previous TAKS report.

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